TSU Mini Moon No.35舉辦日期:August 15, 2023 16:00PM主持人:天文所 葉永烜教授講者:Dr. Alexander Smolka (Technical University of Munich, Germany)講題:Coupled H, H2, OH, and H2O lunar exosphere simulation framework and impacts of conversion reactions報名方式:線上報名 聯絡人:曾子廷連絡電話:03-4227151 Ext. 65961聯絡信箱:Janicetseng21@gmail.com相關活動訊息
舉辦日期:August 15, 2023 16:00PM主持人:天文所 葉永烜教授講者:Dr. Alexander Smolka (Technical University of Munich, Germany)講題:Coupled H, H2, OH, and H2O lunar exosphere simulation framework and impacts of conversion reactions報名方式:線上報名 聯絡人:曾子廷連絡電話:03-4227151 Ext. 65961聯絡信箱:Janicetseng21@gmail.com相關活動訊息